About KET4CleanProduction
The manufacturing sector is of a great importance for Europe in terms of its value creation and employment potential. Especially Asian countries have risen up to the top rank of manufacturing whereby competition is becoming tougher. To remain competitive, manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe need to reinforce their innovation capacities through the integration and usage of key enabling technologies (KETs).
Within this context, clean production processes are seen as a key part of a new industrial revolution and as a crucial competitive factor: It is expected that factories of the future will use highly energy- and material- efficient processes, employ renewable and recycled materials, and increasingly adopt sustainable business models bringing together different components of the value chain to optimize production processes.
The EU-funded project KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) sets its strategic objectives on helping SMEs to solve their clean production challenges and - as a result - to stay sustainable, innovative and competitive. By encouraging the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) their production processes suppose to upgrade towards a more energy- and material- efficient state.
To achieve this, the project aims to create an open innovation ecosystem with a one-stop access platform for cross-border innovation services for manufacturing SMEs through a network of superior ”KETs Technology Centres” (KET TCs) and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) partners. This will be achieved by facilitating SMEs connectivity to KET TCs through joint project proposals for micro grants.
After a pilot phase with a number of such joint project proposals the plan is to scale up the network adding more KET TCs as well as EEN members. The final aim, by the year 2020, is to create a self-sustainable ecosystem gathering technology infrastructure, SME users and suppliers of innovative advanced manufacturing technologies: a one-stop-shop acting as single access point for manufacturing SMEs across Europe.
Here we are
The KET4CP Consortium
Twenty partners from 18 European countries have joint the forces to carry out the EU funded project KET4CleanProduction. This composition of partners is being based on the idea of bringing together two main group of actors: on the one side, EU officially listed KETs Technology Centres (KET TCs) with their specific KETs knowledge; and on the other side, members of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), making contact to SMEs and raising awareness for the project.
The profiles and the contact details of the KET4CP Consortium partners can be viewed upon registration or accessed through the KET4CP Map
Consortium Partners
Consortium Partners
Consortium Partners
Meet the Partners
Join the Community
Micro Grant Awarded
in Numbers
Granted projects
Participating KET TCs
Description of
Micro Grant Awarded
Winners of the Micro Grant Proposals are the joint projects between SMEs and at least 2 KET TCs from different countries.
The types of activities that qualify for receiving financial support of 50.000 EUR have to focus on: the integration of advanced manufacturing technologies and combination with multi-KETs seeking one or several of the following clean production objectives (a related objective can also be specified by the applicant):
- the development of new production processes, or
- the improvement of the manufacturing of existing products by reducing production costs; the reliance on raw materials; the consumption of energy or the generation of waste.
The technology services include:
- research and innovation activities in the range from Technology Readiness Levels.;
- research and innovation activities at state-of-the-art technology facilities, including for example demonstration, testing, pilot production and related engineering activities.
The technology services may include feasibility studies, where necessary. However, they will be complemented by non-technology expertise and advice to SMEs, as necessary to ensure the success of the projects and maximize their impacts for the SMEs, achieving one of the following business KPI’s: advice on business planning, market analysis, training of workers on their involvement in the company project, the work organisations at the factory floor or brokerage to private finance for further investment etc.
List of Micro Grant Winners
- Project title: Design and tailoring of high-speed steel for 3D printing of thread cutting taps
- Country: Denmark
- KET TCs:
- VTT (Finland)
- Leitat (Spain)
- KETs:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced manufacturing
- Project title: Improvement of in-can stabilization of cationic curing flexo-inks
- Country: Denmark
- KET TCs:
- Joanneum Research (Austria)
- Leitat (Spain)
- KETs:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced manufacturing
- Photonics
About the Community
KET4CP Community
The KET4CP Community is created in the framework of the EU-funded project KET4CleanProduction and aims to establish an open innovation ecosystem by interconnecting three main stakeholder groups to develop innovative solutions for cleaner production processes across Europe. Through encouraging the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) production processes are supposed to upgrade towards a more energy - and material - efficient state.
The community focuses on and will be comprising of the following main stakeholder groups:
- Manufacturing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- KETs Technology Centres (KET TCs)
- Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) partners
Reason to join!
Register to become a part of the KET4CP Community and
- become part of a strong, international network on KETs.
- profit from a single access point for cross-border innovation service in clean production.
- stay informed about news on micro grants for transnational KET projects.
KETs Technology Centres (KET TCs)
- Discover new business opportunities across Europe
- Create your services profile
- Access potential SME clients
- Discover cooperation partners
- Unlock new cross-border service potential by collaborating with other TCs
- Benefit from a matching tool linking manufacturing SMEs to your service portfolio
- Get better through collaboration with other TCs
- Explore innovative solutions through multi-KET approach
Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Learn how to make your production processes more resource- and energy-efficient through KETs
- Find a technology expert matching your production needs
- Submit a technology request
- Submit a micro grant proposal
- Obtain a micro grant to kick-start a cross-border innovation project
- Increase your business performance
- Stay sustainable, innovative and competitive.
Enterprises Europe Network (EEN) Partners
- Stay informed about opportunities for transnational collaborations EU-wide
- Link your local manufacturing SMEs with the best matching KET expert
- Access funding for SMEs across Europe promoting the use of advanced manufacturing and key enabling technologies
- Access best practices on how SMEs can benefit from multi-KET service know-how and infrastructure
- Benefit from a matching tool linking manufacturing SMEs with KET technology centres cross-borders
Members from different areas
KET TC Members
SME Members
EEN Members
Do you want to be part of the Community?
Sign up now!