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KET4CleanProduction’s ambition is to establish a growing open innovation ecosystem among KET Technology Centers (TCs), Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and EEN partners. A network of KET TCs has formed to address and service the needs of SMEs. In the premises of the project, specific web-based matching tools will be employed to improve the efficiency between KET TCs and SMEs.
After a pilot phase - with a number of SME innovation projects supported by micro grants - the plan is to scale up the network adding more KET TCs and members of the EEN to reach a critical mass of clean production technology deployment in SMEs throughout Europe. The final aim is, by 2020, to create a sustainable web-based platform that is facilitating SMEs’ clean resource- and energy efficiency production and strengthening their competitiveness.
This will be achieved by
- facilitating SMEs connectivity to KET TCs through joint project proposals for micro grants (in Phase I+II of the KET4CP project)
- establishing an automatic matching wizard interconnecting SMEs with the best-matching KET TCs across Europe (in Phase II of the KET4CP project)
Pilot Phase
13 KET TC and 9 EEN partners
Large Scale Demonstrator Phase
Additional KET TC and EEN partners
Sustainability Phase
Open to further KET TC and EEN partners