The 2nd project meeting of the KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) took place on the 5th and 6th of July at the premises of one of the KET Technology Centres (KET TC) consortium member LEITAT in Terrassa, Spain.
The 2nd project meeting of the KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) took place on the 5th and 6th of July at the premises of one of the KET Technology Centres (KET TC) consortium member LEITAT in Terrassa, Spain. KET4CP is a project implemented by a consortium of twenty partners from 18 European countries led by Steinbeis 2i. The overall objective of the EU-funded project KET4CleanProduction is to help manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to address their clean production challenges by connecting them with the premier KET TCs from all over Europe. The Enterprise Europe Network members of the project consortium support SMEs and KET TCs in establishing promising networks and raising awareness.
The highlight of the meeting was the discussion around the 1st cut-off date for the submission of micro grant proposals. A micro grant is the financial instrument offered within the KET4CleanProduction for transnational cooperation projects between SMEs and minimum 2 KET TCs, which aims to integrate key enabling technologies (KET) to solve clean production challenges. The focus is on upgrading production processes.
The two days of the project meeting were full with a number of interactive sessions, a guided tour around the LEITAT Research Centre and a visit from ACCIÓ – Agency for Business Competitiveness, a local Enterprise Europe Network member.
The next project meeting will take place at the beginning of 2019 at the premises of another KET TC consortium partner, the Tyndall National Institute in Ireland.