Linking technology centers with SMEs for a cleaner, greener & more efficient production
Access Key Enabling Technologies to boost your business
KETs TC network for clean production
KET4CleanProduction’s ambition is to establish a growing open innovation ecosystem among KETs Technology Centres (KET TCs) and SMEs. A network of 13 Technology Centres covering all KETs and most relevant clean production approaches has formed to address and service the needs of manufacturing SMEs. In the premises of the project, specific tools will be employed to improve the matching efficiency between KET TCs and SMEs.Join our network
After the pilot phase , the network is scaled up adding further KET TCs. Technology centres are defined as public or private organisations carrying out applied research and innovation in technology readiness levels TRL 2 to 8 in key enabling technologies (KETs). To be listed on the map, KET TCs need to register (1) on the KET TCs map by the European Commission’s DG Growth and (2) on the KET4CP map . During the large scale demonstrator phase here.Do you want to be part of the Community?
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