Connecting SMEs and KETs Technology Centres across Europe

KET4CleanProduction Newsletter - Issue #8

Welcome to the new issue of KET4CleanProduction Newsletter, an edition focusing on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and cooperation opportunities among Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and KET Technology Centres.
The EU-funded project KET4CleanProduction aims to help SMEs tackle their clean production challenges while being innovative, competitive and sustainable. By encouraging the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies, the production processes are expected to upgrade towards a more energy and material efficient state.

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News from the "KET4CleanProduction" world

KET4CleanProduction - Final Conference and Brokerage Event

June 10th, 2021 from 10:00 to 17:30

Get to know the KET4CleanProduction platform that connects companies with technology centres in the field of key enabling technologies. REGISTER NOW!

We have prepared a full agenda for 10th June!

Starting at 10:00 CET with the official launch of KET4CP platform, we are looking forward for a dynamic kick off! Presentation of project results and success stories from SMEs funded under KET4CP Micro Grant scheme will follow. Take advantage of the Q&A session to learn from their experience!

Two special working sessions will take place in the second part of the event, while the virtual matchmaking session will be ongoing in parallel.

  • Working session: Digital production on demand – how additive production processes and sensorization can improve your production at 13:30 – 14:30 CET
  • Working session: Industrial Biotechnology- From lab to pilots in clean production at 14:30 - 15:30 CET.

Check the agenda and registered here:

Registration is free of charge.

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Special Working Session in KET4CP Final Conference 2021, 10th June at 13:30 – 14:30 CET

Digital production on demand – how additive production processes and sensorization can improve your production

In this working session, we will clarify together the question:  How additive production processes and sensorization can improve your production? For this, we will use innovative methods and tools. Furthermore, leading technology centres will show the latest developments in additive production processes and the benefits by individualized production.

Check the detailed agenda here:

Special Working Session in KET4CP Final Conference 2021, 10th June at 14:30 - 15:30 CET

Working session: Industrial Biotechnology- From lab to pilots in clean production

In this session you will have the opportunity to get to know some pilot plants partners and their stakeholders working in the bioeconomy. We will take you on a journey and offer you some virtual visits within different pilot plants in Europe. You will see how these pilot plants are working and what makes them unique.

Learn from other use cases how it was to work with a pilot plant during the implementation of a micro grant and why this was the best way to go. The session will also familiarize you with some background information about the benefits of a shared pilot facility.

Check the detailed agenda here:

KET4CleanProduction Micro Grant scheme completed: An overview of the results

KET4CleanProduction financed transnational cooperation projects among European Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and KET technology centres (KET TCs) with the aim to integrate key enabling technologies to solve clean production challenges and upgrading production processes. The funding scheme consisted of 8 open calls from June 2018 to June 2020. During this period, 152 technology requests from SMEs coming from 20 EU countries were received and 92 proposal were prepared and submitted in collaboration with Technology Centers. As a result, a total of 40 micro grant projects funded. The most active countries were Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and Italy.

Currently, most of the companies have finalized their projects and have already shared the stories about their collaborations.

à Check all the 31 unique Success Stories available οn the website!

Success Stories

Webseminar for Enterprise Europe Network Advisors on KET4CleanProduction platform and services

We were glad to welcome more than 50 EEN colleagues from all over Europe in the webseminar that we organised on 18th May! During the webseminar the KET4CleanProduction platform was presented, which helps companies to find technology partners across Europe. EEN members were invited to REGISTER on the platform and benefit from the targeted services and matching tool.

Did you miss the webseminar? Watch the video and find out how to support your local SMEs to upgrade their production processes by applying Key Enabling Technologies.

To support your local SMEs please join as a technology user HERE. More information for EEN members and how to join the community follow in the next topic below.

Watch the webseminar

KET4CleanProduction invites Enterprise Europe Network members to join the community

KET4CleanProduction’s ambition is to establish a growing open innovation ecosystem among KET Technology Centers (TCs) and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with the support of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) partners. As our network is scaling up, more EEN members are invited to join the community. Our aim is to create a sustainable web-based platform in order to facilitate SMEs to access solutions for a more efficient, clean production and strengthen their competitiveness.

If you are EEN partner, you can promote the services of the KET4CleanProduction platform to your local manufacturing SMEs and support them increasing their competitiveness.

To support your local SMEs please join as a technology user here.

A special training for EEN partners is available here to guide you. Don’t forget to ask for your certificate, when you’re done!

Become an active member of our platform and be included on our interactive map!

Join the community

KET4CleanProduction new services!

KET4CleanProduction launched new service offers provided by renowned technology centres across Europe to support companies in the deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in order to increase their competitiveness and sustainability. The services include:

- Technology Access, Support and Consultancy

- Commission a custom technology report or investigation

- Study tours to investigate specific technology domains

- Using the KET4CleanProduction state-of-the-art facilities

Learn more
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Register as an SME, KET TC or Enterprise Europe Network member and become part of the community!
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777441

Copyright © 2019 KET4CleanProduction, all rights reserved.

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