Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research
Treatment and valorisation of waste waters using algae

Microalgae can be effectively used in waste water management technologies. These technologies are suitable for biotreatment of the effluents of different production processes (urban, industrial or agricultural effluents as municipal wastewater, dairy industry effluent, aquaculture effluent and other effluent streams with high organic content). The waste water management process is coupled with the production of potentially valuable biomass, which can be used for several purposes (production of fertilisers or biofuel, anaerobic digestion to produce methane-rich biogas etc.).
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 5
Recipient: Pilze-Nagy Kft. |
KET Technology
- Advanced Materials
- Nanotechnology
Countries involved
- Hungary
- Reduction of organic and inorganic emissions caused and wastes generated by agricultural and industrial water consuming activities (e.g. emission of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus causing eutrophication or heavy metals).
- Reducing risks to humans and the environment, as a consequence of the above mentioned.
- Reduction of water use by producing water which can be recycled to industrial processes.
- Reduction of energy use by producing renewable energy.
- Increasing the overall efficiency of the use of natural resources and production processes by re-use of nutrients in wastewaters and effluent sidestreams and producing valuable biomass.
- Recycling resources by the recovery of phosphorus and other nutrients necessary for the sustainable development of agriculture
Corresponding KETs Technology Centre:
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research | Budapest, Hungary