International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
Mytitox – Nanomaterials for toxic algal blooms prediction

MYTITOX is a collaboration between Galician industrial partners from the seafood industry and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). The industrial partners and INL are working together to create prevention tools to reduce the loss of seafood due to contamination by toxins produced by dinoflagellates (red tide). The project addresses a recurring problem faced by the food processing industry which has become increasingly important due to climate change. It is about the industrial application of protocols for the mussel and pectinides detoxification using processing or depuration by microencapsulated agents. The capture and analysis protocols developed within this project may be useful for other aplications including the capture of environmental polluants such as medichal waste and pesticides.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 4 - 5
KET Technologies
- Nanotechnology
- Advanced Materials
Countries involved
- Portugal
- Spain
- Design, research and development of experimental prototypes for water contaminants’ adsorption and extraction (Adsorption of DSP toxins in seawater; Adsorption and extraction of ibuprofen from freshwater).
Corresponding KETs Technology Centre:
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | Braga, Portugal